Paris Hybrid
Publishing Director – Journals
Competitive salary + benefits + bonus
Paris Hybrid
Competitive salary + benefits + bonus
London office hybrid (20% office based)
£62,810 – £70,665 + bonus + benefits
London office hybrid (20% office based)
Competitive salary + benefits + bonus
Oxford (Hybrid)
Competitive Salary + Benefits
UK hybrid (London office 20%)
£62-65,000 + benefits + bonus
UK Remote or Hybrid/Wiltshire
Competitive + bonus + benefits
London office hybrid (minimum 1 office day a week)
Competitive salary + benefits + bonus
London office hybrid (minimum 1 office day a week)
Competitive salary + bonus + benefits
UK, Germany, China, India
Strong salary + bonus + benefits
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
Competitive salary + benefits + bonus
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
Competitive salary + benefits + bonus
Oxford Hybrid
£ Competitive + Benefits
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
Competitive salary + benefits + bonus
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
Competitive salary + benefits + bonus
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
Competitive salary + benefits + bonus
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
Competitive salary + benefits + bonus
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
Competitive salary + Benefits
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
Competitive + bonus + benefits
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
Competitive Salary + Bonus + Benefits
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
Competitive Salary + Bonus + Benefits
Home based in the UK
Very competitive salary + bonus + benefits
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
Competitive salary + Bonus + Benefits
London, hybrid
Competitive salary + benefits
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
Competitive salary + Bonus + Benefits
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
£ Competitive + Bonus + Benefits
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
Competitive + Bonus + Benefits
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
£Competitive + bonus + benefits
UK/hybrid working
£Competitive + bonus + benefits
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
£Competitive + benefits + bonus
London, hybrid working
Competitive salary + Bonus + Benefits
London, Flexible working – home/remote
Competitive + Bonus + Benefits
UK Home Based
Competitive + Bonus + Benefits
London with flexible home working
UK remote/homebased or London office hybrid
£Competitive + bonus + benefits
London office, hybrid or largely remote/home based
£Competitive + bonus + benefits
London with good flexibility for remote/home working
£Competitive + bonus + benefits
London, hybrid working
Competitive + benefits + bonus
London with flexibility for part home working
Competitive + Benefits
Cambridge or UK remote
£65,460 - £72,733 + Bonus + Strong Benefits
Cambridge, UK office or UK Remote.
Competitive + Benefits
Wiltshire or surrounding area with flexible homeworking
Competitive salary + Bonus + Benefits
Cambridge with flexible home working
£42,461 - £47,178 + strong benefits
UK Home Based or Bristol Office Based
£Competitive + Benefits
London office or UK wide home-based
£ Competitive + Bonus + Benefits
UK Home Based
£ Competitive + Bonus + Benefits
UK Field/Home Based
£Competitive + Benefits
London with flexible home working
£ Competitive + Benefits
London or Cambridge
£ Competitive + Benefits
US West Coast
$Competitive + Bonus + Benefits
London with flex for home working
Very Competitive + Benefits