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Retained Executive Search

When looking to find your next Senior Executive or recruiting to a post that requires a particularly niche skill-set, you may prefer us, a leading search consultancy, to act for you on a retained basis.

Whilst following the same diligent and focused process as when working on a ‘search and select’ assignment, we are able to dedicate increased time and resource to produce a deeper and more detailed analysis of the market and the needs of the client.  This includes undertaking a still more intensive screening and evaluation process, and providing full and thorough candidate profiles.  We also offer advice to our clients on the salary and benefits package attached to the post and the level of experience this is likely to attract.  When retained we are able to ensure less commercial downtime for our clients, often saving considerable cost to the business.

In addition to offering our proactive search service, fully utilising our network and ‘headhunting’ the best in the market, we can also, if desired, directly advertise the post, screening and selecting suitable candidates and alleviating a significant administrative burden from the client.  Alternatively we can offer a more discreet campaign, with no explicit advertising instead utilising a highly personal approach using discreet headhunting techniques, if preferred.

When acting on a retained basis, we also offer a range of complementary options designed to provide an enhanced level of support to the process.  These options include, if desired, interview training for the panel, attending throughout the panel interviews, provision of various materials to support the selection process (including interview questions devised around the ’competencies’ of the role and assessment score cards), advice on candidate assessment, enhanced due diligence, and more.

For further details on the services we provide on a retained basis, please contact us at or on +44 (0)1223 632510.

Working with Emma Graham at Telfer Partners has been a standout experience. Emma has been professional and proactive throughout the recruitment process at every stage; providing interview support, encouragement, and following up on any queries or concerns I’ve had. Applying for a role through a recruitment agency has never been so easy and an incredible experience. Emma comes highly recommended and I appreciate all of her efforts.


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